John Parker of the Workers World Party is the Peace and Freedom Party candidate for U.S. Senate.
- End the war on Black people. Solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Justice for Ezell Ford, Omar Abrego and all victims of police terror. Reparations now.
- No to racism and war on Muslims and all people of color. Jail Killer cops.
- Abolish capitalism. Fight for socialist revolution.
- Stop the deportations and war on immigrants.
- Food, water, housing, education for all.
- Defund the military. No imperialist and proxy wars from Palestine, Latin America to Haiti. Justice for the Ayotzinapa 43
- End the prison industrial complex. End mass incarcerations.
- LGBTQ liberation now. Stop trans murders. Full rights for women.
- Change the system, not the climate. Immediate relief for victims of climate change.
- Full employment & jobs for all.
John Parker is a long-time socialist who:
- Will introduce the Oscar Grant Bill to empower and allow Black & Brown communities the ability to remove police departments and use the resources to enable community-organized self-policing and self defense
- Has traveled and written extensively as an anti-imperialist, anti-war activist
- Long-time and well-known fighter against racism, police terror, for immigrant and workers rights