About Joe
- Born in California, lives in Santa Cruz.
- 54 years old
- Married
- Hospital health care professional (laboratory technician)
- Ocean sports enthusiast (surf, kayak)
- Counselor on military issues at the Resource Center for Nonviolence
- Union steward for SEIU-UHW
- Delegate to Monterey Bay Central Labor Council
- Santa Cruz County Peace & Freedom Party Central Committee member since 2004
- Challenged Sam Farr in 2004
- A Bernie Sanders candidate (Berniecrat)
On the Issues
It’s time for a grassroots political revolution! Joe Williams will fight for these issues:
- People before Profit
- Medicare for All
- Strong Unions
- End the War on Drugs
- Shut Down the War Machine
- Bernie Sanders for President!
- Fight for $15
- Veterans for Peace
- Iraq Veterans Against the War
- Driscoll’s Boycott
- Stop the TPP
- Basic Income Guarantee
- Occupy Wall Street
- Black Lives Matter