Originally posted at peaceandfreedom.org. on March 28, 2016.

Fifteen people, mostly members of the Peace and Freedom Party of California, along with others concerned about ballot access and democracy, protested in front of the Ca. Secretary of State’s office in Sacramento on Thursday, March 24 at 11:00 a.m. The Secretary of State is not listing Jill Stein, one of four names submitted by the party for the June 7, 2016 Presidential primary ballot, and has not publicly stated any reason for this omission.
On Jan. 18, 2016, Debra Reiger, the State Chairperson of the Peace and Freedom Party of California, submitted the names of four women who have declared that they are seeking the party’s nomination for President: Dr. Lynn Kahn, Gloria LaRiva, Monica Moorehead, and Jill Stein. So far, only the first three will be listed as PFP candidates on the June primary ballot. The Secretary of State can correct this before the list is finalized on April 1.
Speakers included Debra Reiger, Laura Wells for the Green Party, and Estevan Hernandez for the Gloria La Riva campaign. Marsha Feinland, vice-chair of the Peace and Freedom Party, was the emcee. To read the press release, click here.
Christopher Martinez covered this event for the KPFA Evening News. The following audio clip is that segment. We thank KPFA and Christopher Martinez for this report.
The video below, by Steven Payan, is of Marsha Feinland explaining the historical significance of Peace and Freedom Party’s 2016 Presidential contest while at the protest.
#WomensHistoryMonth Press Release for Thursday, March 24, 2016CA Secretary of State Targeted by Peace & Freedom Party Thursday After He Refuses to Put Presidential Candidate on Ballot;Party Officials Say 'We Want to Know'SACRAMENTO – Members of the Peace and Freedom Party of California, along with others concerned about ballot access and democracy, are gathering in front of the Ca. Secretary of State’s office in Sacramento (11th & O) on Thursday, March 24 at 11 a.m.The Secretary of State is not listing Jill Stein, one of four names submitted by the party for the June 7, 2016 Presidential primary ballot. We want to know why, and Padilla’s office has failed to tell usBackground: On Jan. 18, 2016, Debra Reiger, the State Chairperson of the Peace and Freedom Party of California, submitted the names of four women who have declared that they are seeking the party’s nomination for President: Lynn Kahn, Gloria LaRiva, Monica Moorehead, and Jill Stein. Padilla’s office has accepted the first three, but has so far left Stein off the list. Debra Reiger, the party chairperson, has repeatedly asked election officials to explain the omission, but has not received an answer. “They will talk to me about anything else, but they are silent when asked about this,” Reiger said.Jill Stein, the 2012 Green Party candidate for President, has asked to be on the Presidential primary ballot of both the Peace and Freedom Party and the Green Party in California. She states, “I want to help foster solidarity and build a unified movement to oppose the two parties of the wealthy and their corporations.”This would not be the first time a candidate has appeared on both the Peace and Freedom Party and Green Party primary ballots. In 2008, both Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney were on the Presidential primary ballots of both parties in California. -30-
Posted by Peace and Freedom Party on Thursday, March 24, 2016